Georgia Southern University Writing Center Logo

Welcome to WCOnline! To get started, register for an account by clicking the link to the left.

Whenever possible, we prefer to schedule face-to-face appointments, but if you would prefer an online conference and have a webcam, we can meet with you using audio and video.  If not, we can communicate in a shared text chat space.  For detailed information about how to register and/or make an appointment for an online conference, please read this document

Important Note: This scheduling system (WCOnline) can make appointments with tutors at both the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses.  If you with to make an appointment at the Armstrong campus, please select the Armstrong schedule in the drop-down menu.  GSU students enrolled at any campus are WELCOME to sign up for online appointments with any available tutor. 

The Armstrong Writing Center is open for face to face sessions and limited online appointments (see the Armstrong schedule).


The Writing Center (Statesboro Campus) is located on the 2nd floor of the Henderson Library;

The Writing Center (Armstrong Campus) is located on the first floor of Lane Library.

PLEASE NOTE: (1) If you wish to cancel an appointment, you must do so AT LEAST 5 minutes before it takes place.  Failure to do so may result in your appointment being flagged as a "no-show," and 3 no-shows in a semester will disable your account. (2) All appointments (except walk-ins) must be made AT LEAST 10 minutes before the conference is scheduled to start.